

Registering the birth of a child is a crucial step for parents and legal guardians. It establishes the existence of the newborn under the law and provides official documentation of the child's identity, parentage, and birth details.

By registering a birth, citizens can:

  1. Obtain a legal birth certificate, which serves as a foundational document for accessing various rights and services throughout the child’s life, such as education, healthcare, and social benefits.
  2. Ensure the child’s nationality and citizenship rights are recognized from birth.
  3.  Safeguard the child’s legal identity, preventing challenges to essential services.

The birth registration process is straightforward. Various service options are available to accommodate your needs!


Who can register a birth?

  1. If married, either Mother or Father, but a Marriage certificate is necessary
  2. Only mother (if single)
  3. If not married but the father’s details are to be added to the birth certificate:
    1. Either mother or father can apply but a signed consent form from the father accepting to be the father of the child is necessary. Download the consent form below:
  4. If the mother is deceased – the father, grandmother, sister, aunt, etc. can register but need to provide the death certificate of the deceased mother.

Required documents

Standard – less than 1 year after occurrence date

If the mother is single/in common-law/ divorced or has a visiting partner:

  1. Proof of Birth issued by Medical facility

  2. Mother’s identification document.

  3. Father’s identification document – if father’s details are to be added.

  4. Father’s consent – if father’s details are to be added

If the mother is married or a widow:

  1. Proof of Birth issued by Medical facility.
  2. Mother’s identification document
  3. Father’s identification document
  4. Marriage certificate
  5. Death certificate of Father – if the mother is widow

If mother deceased:

  1. Proof of Birth issued by Medical facility
  2. Mother’s identification document
  3. Father’s identification document – if father’s details are to be added.
  4. Father’s consent – if father’s details are to be added
  5. Death Certificate of Mother 

Late registration – more than one year after birth

If the mother is single/in common-law/ divorced/married/widow or has a visiting partner:

  1. Proof of Birth issued by Medical facility
  2. Mother’s identification document
  3. Father’s identification document – if father’s details are to be added
  4. Father’s consent – if father’s details are to be added
  5. 2 signed Declaration forms from 2 witnesses
  6. If the birth took place at home, then 4 signed Declaration Forms are needed from the mother, father, and 2 witnesses
  7. In the absense of proof of birth, baptism record and/or school attendant record can be submitted.

Some cases may be unique and require additional documentation than what is listed above. For any queries, please contact the VSU office.

Check the Services Overview page to learn more about the application process, service types, and more.

Fee Structure

ServiceSame-day Service Fee (BZD)Next-day Service Fee (BZD)Standard Service Fee (BZD)
Standard: Less than 1 year after the occurrence date30154
Late registration: More than 1 but less than 5 years after occurrence date)Service type not available for late registration25
Late registration: More than 5 years after occurrence date)Service type not available for late registration50

*Children who are born in Belize are not eligible for the service.

*For Belizeans, only Social Security Cards and Passports are accepted. For Foreigners, only Passport and National ID are accepted. Driver’s license and Voter’s Card are not accepted.

Service Documents

These are supporting documents that you may need when accessing services. No other versions of the forms will be accepted. These include:

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