

Correction Service that allows applicants to correct errors on their Birth, Death, and Marriage records. This service can be utilized to correct mistakes that may have occurred during the application process, such as typographical errors or incorrect entries.

It is important to note that the Birth Record Correction Service does not include changing the child's name or adding, removing, or modifying the father's details on the birth certificate. These changes are done through the Birth Amendment Service.


Who can apply?

  1. Life event participant. For example: – Bride or groom can apply for a correction to a marriage record – Mother, Father or child can apply for a correction to a birth record or adoption record
  2. A Person authorised by the life event participant through a signed authorization form

Required documents

For a correction to a Marriage:

  1. Applicant’s identification document
  2. Authorization document- if authorized person is applying on behalf of the life event participant
  3. The Marriage Register

For a correction to a Death:

  1. Applicant’s identification document
  2. Authorization document- if authorized person is applying on behalf of the life event participant
  3. Medical Certificate for Cause of Death.

For a correction to a Birth:

  1. Applicant’s identification document
  2. Authorization document- if authorized person is applying on behalf of the life event participant
  3. Proof of Birth form provided by the medical facility

For corrections to names or date of birth on records:

  1. Applicant’s identification document
  2. Authorization document- if authorized person is applying on behalf of the life event participant
  3. Birth certificate 

Some cases may be unique and require additional documentation than what is listed above. For any queries, please contact the VSU office.


Check the Services Overview page to learn more about the application process, service types, and more.

Fee Structure

Fee RuleSame-day Service Fee (BZD)Next-day Service Fee (BZD)Standard Service Fee (BZD)
Correction of birth certificate38,508,5
Correction of death certificate--8,5
Correction of marriage certificate--8,5

*For Belizeans, only Social Security Cards and Passports are accepted. For Foreigners, only Passports and National IDs are accepted. Driver’s license and Voter’s Card are not accepted.

Service Documents

These are supporting documents that you may need when accessing services. No other versions of the forms will be accepted. These include: ​

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